Friday, March 18, 2011

Want to be on the blogroll?

Hey all! Another quick one, but, in an effort to jump back into this weight loss blogging thing feet first, I want to revamp the blog a little bit. I removed blogs from my blog roll that haven't had a post in awhile and, now it's looking pretty slim. So, two things. First, would those of you left that still read please let me know what YOUR favorite blogs are? I need some new reading material and inspiration! They don't have to be weight loss related! Also, if you want your blog to be on the blogroll, and it's not, let me know!

Happy Friday!


  1. Yes, please :)

  2. Good luck on your weight loss efforts - focus on what makes you feel your best and things will hopefully click (I'm working on the same!).
    Just found your blog - check out mine if you'd like :)

  3. Uh hem......hellOOOOOO....ME????
