Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Checking in

Hi all, just a quick check in. Things have been going well. Eating has been under control. At weigh-in today I saw a 2lb loss. I really had hoped that it would be more, but it wasn't. There's no way I should have expected more, but a girl can hope, right?

While my eating has been good, I've made mostly good choices and stayed under the calorie budget, my exercise has been pretty nonexistant. There's definitely a pattern with me, I do pretty well at either exercise or eating, but rarely do well at both. The thing is, I FEEL so much better when I exercise. It's a must, really, so getting it together is my only option. I've decided that I'd really like an elliptical at home. Maybe I can find a cheaper used one.

One of you (I think it was Lisa?) suggested a book by Geneen Roth in a comment awhile back. This weekend I picked up "Women, Food, and God." It is really amazing and speaking to me on so many levels. In all honesty, I cried twice by the time I got to page 23 because the book just hits me really hard. It's about coming to terms with your relationship with food and how that relationship really reflects who you are and your core beliefs. As a binge eater, it's a very eye-opening read for me. I'm anxious to finish it and considering doing a blog giveaway with a copy of it. Would anyone be interested in reading it?

Hope all is well is bloggy world.

Oh yeah, and thanks Weight Watcher Wannabe, you have me addicted to frozen grapes :)


  1. That looks like a great book! I'd love to read it and pass it along to someone else I think might be able to get a lot from it!
    Glad to hear you're doing better...I knew you would!

  2. I haven't read that one by Geneen, but I have all the others. Her books are great and she really gets it.

    Copy away on the bracelet idea. I'm ready to add a bead, but I need to do something first :)

    I was so excited to see your picture on your comment. Glad to put a face with a a name :)

  3. Mmmmmm Frozen Grapes.... your welcome... Now try frozen pineapples....:()

    A book give away heck yah...
